
Just few things

(It has been a while since I've last written anything here. However, I have a lot of thoughts running inside my head right now. So I decided to write them down, here)

Actually I was a tenth grader and had to give final examinations which hold a great importance. Often called as iron gate, the final examinations SEE hold great regard for further academic upgrades and the certificates are highly valued. We were casually going to school and had our exams scheduled for Chaitra 6. I and other fellow students had made a lot of preparations for the day of exams. I had prepared everything the day before the exams, checked my pens and scales and entrance form, properly ironed my uniform just then I hear the news of SEE being postponed and that lockdown was initiated.

My parents confirmed that the news was true. For this, I did not know how to react. Definitely not a great deal to make a fuss about but I was really confused. The exams were called off for the time being. Not that I love taking exams or hate doing papers, but I did not know how to feel about this. Then I talked with my friends. Not gonna lie, all of them were happy. To be honest, I was also kind of relieved that I got more time to prepare. But I was good to go. Having more time in hand, I knew deep inside it was not that pleasant.

Anyways, we started having online lessons which I think were not needed. After all, the teachers had already taught us everything for a whole year and repeating the same lessons was not that exciting. But still the classes continued for over or almost 2 months. The teachers definitely taught us with same determination as if were right in front of them (I'm referring to physical presence btw). That was really nice of them. There were a lot of students who still lacked a lot of knowledge for whom surely the classes must have been of great help. I also got to clear a lot of misunderstandings regarding certain topics.

Here I'll be honest. I definitely wouldn't say I took the classes with 100 percent determination without slacking off. There were times where me and my friends would just chat during classes, would not pay attention to classes and just watch other shows or would google answers to the questions without putting in my thoughts or efforts.

But I would say the major cons of online classes labeled by people are not that great of a disadvantage. For example, the interaction between the teacher and learner is not hindered if the learner is willing to actually LEARN and ask any question for knowledge. The learning process is the same except its not face to face (physically). I would like to say this to those who are taking online classes that just cause the classes are virtual does not mean it lowers the importance of the subject matter that is being provided. It is rather efficient that you don't waste time on your way on or off the school and get to study more or game more or rest more.

The results got out. My grade is definitely not saddening but a lot of students and people all over the country are disregarding the results which is expected since it's not earned. That is why, I do feel sad for not being able to give exams because I not exactly earned it to myself. Whatever, right now I am conflicted about my high school studies.

I don't have any college in my mind but my parents have looked up some for me. I wanted to do software engineering but my eyesight is weak, like really weak, I might have to do a lot of computer works. That way my eyes might have to suffer. I definitely don't want that. I want to do business as well, like having my own company. I also don't think siding towards the medical sector will be a bad idea. But the medical sector is really broad and I don't exactly know what I want to do. I had decided to take bridge course and then some counseling for choosing future path but the pandemic is definitely not nice. 

(I have a lot of concerns right now. But will definitely try to take a wise decision. Anyways, I hope that everybody would try to do something productive. I learned to play ukelele. But I have wasted a lot of time watching shows and my sleep schedule has been a mess. I had no idea what to do so I just decided to write here. I'll just leave this thing here now. Thank you)
