Tour Diaries

"Travel takes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in this world."

Day 1 (Kathmandu to Chitwan)

As planned, the 27 students arrived the school at 5:45am. Then all the students with 6
teachers left for the tour. We left with a full stomach which emptied after a 6 hour long bus ride. We had the lunch in Dhading. We took a little break there and then we again got in the bus for the ride.

After another 2 hour ride, we finally reached the destination that was Chitwan. We reached there by 12 or so. Then we went straight to the resort. The resort was beautiful on the bank of the beautiful Narayani river. Then we immediately went for the ride of Chitwan National Park experiencing the most enthusiastic Jeep Safari. I, with my 3 friends sat of the very front and enjoyed the most with no cover but wind. It was almost 2 hour ride. Then we went back to the resort and again left for the museum and elephant breeding center.

We observed the things kept in the museum which was very attracting and interesting. But we were massively starving. I couldn't focus less in the elephant breeding center. Then we immediately rushed back to the resort and had the most delicious food ever. Maybe it was also the hunger that made it more tasty. We had it watching the beautiful sunset on the bank of the river.

6 of us shared a room. The room was pretty nice. The place was beautiful. We went to watch the Tharu dance which was very satisfying. We had campfire at night after the dinner. Honestly it was warm and comforting. It felt very comfortable there. The day was incredible so was the night.

Day 2 (Chitwan to Lumbini to Butwal)

This day was a bit busy. We were told to wake up early to leave early. We woke up at 4:30 am and got ready at 5:30. It was late already but we stayed for a bit in the wait of tea and hot water. We had the tea and left. The weather was very cold. The vision was almost blur because of the fog. But we went on.

We observed the cg temple. I personally liked the temple but it was very foggy. Then we headed towards the Lumbini. We enjoyed to be there because of the tuk-tuk ride. We battled for the first place in the ride which was stupid. There were many monasteries made by different countries. Among which I liked was of Cambodia and China. Then we went back on the bus for Butwal.

We were pretty hungry so we stopped at Bhairahawa  for snacks. We walked for 10 minutes and got into a sweet shop and realized that we were there for just 2 sweets called peda, which was really famous there as said. But it wasn't that special for me. Whatever, we went back to the bus for butwal which was pretty near.

After another 1 hour ride or so we reached Butwal. We went to the hotel and got refreshed. Then we had the dinner and talked a bit We had night snacks. We then slept.

Day 3(Butwal to Palpa to Pokhara)

This was the busiest day. We again woke up early but got late. The teacher were fueling up
but we fortunately were the fastest to be ready. We went to a nearby place and had one of the most satisfying breakfast though heavy. Then we got in the bus.

Honestly, I expected a lot from palpa so I wasn't satisfied. We got in Palpa after 4-5 hours ride. It was really tiring. Most of the students were asleep in the bus so was I. We reached Palpa and decided to visit the bazaar of there. It was a beautiful place. The streets were clean and very reflective. Then we went to the museum of Palpa. It was really educative. 

After observing the museum, we went to one of the temples of Palpa in which we saw some bats fooling around. The we had the lunch because we were hungry. After the lunch we headed toward Pokhara. It was really tiring.

The ride was too long. I slept in the bus for a lot of times. It was a really busy day. The schedules were tight. We finally reached to Pokhara when it was almost black. We got our hotel rooms. I was really tired. I ate the dinner and slept right off.

Day 4 (Pokhara)

This entire day was for Pokhara about which I was very grateful. We first woke up really
early after Deepak sir knocked the door real hard. We got ready very fast. Then we left for Sarangkot for the morning view. It took us 30 minutes to reach at the base and another 30-45 minutes walk to reah the top. I was really frustrated. But when we got to the top the view was incredible. 

After few minutes on the top, we saw the sunrise. Then we went to the Bindabasini Temple.
We then returned back to hotel. Then we had the lunch. We left again to travel more. We went to 2 canes respectively in which I lost my soul. However I surpassed. Then we went to the Patale chaanga and Gupteshwor Mahadev. Again we went to the Barahi temple and did boating. It was peaceful. We had walk on the lakeside which was the highlight of the day.

It was a beautiful day. The walk was so refreshing. We headed back to the hotel. Then we ate pizza. And the fun started. The songs were played and everyone danced to the rhythm. We danced for a bit late then sang. Then we ate our dinner and slept.

Day 5 (Pokhara to Kathmandu)

This day we woke a bit late, not that late. We went t o Bandipur to visit Siddha Cave which was thrilling. We had to walk almost an hour to reach the entrance of the cave. Honestly I was thrilled by the beauty of the nature. It was so mystical. It was too hard to believe it was not man made. It was too good to be true. 

We had to climb down over a huge height. It was so horrible. We gathered our courage and climbed down with the help of ladders. It felt great to be down. Then again more observations. There was a space where the temperature was hot. There was sculpture of Siddha Baba, nature made. It was so incredible, finely detailed.

After returning, we had dinner. The dinner was okay. The we got into bus. This day was also not that special. The bus ride was long but we had to reach home. We stopped at Malekhu and had fish. It was special for sure. We again got back in and reached Kathmandu at 7:30 or so.
