Annual Trip

The excitement knocked the door of the eight graders when they were told about the annual trip. The school decided to take us on a trip on the date of 2074/8/16 to 2074/8/17. This news made all of the students so excited. Out of 51 students 37 of us were ready for the tour. In no time the day arrived.

We were told to arrive the school at 9:30 a.m. That was the reason why I gave up my sleep and woke up at 7 a.m. The weather was extremely cold. I had decided the outfit for the day the previous day. As planned, I wore my outfit and did a messy high bun. I had my meal and left with Chhoti and Doma. After a 5 minute walk I realised that I didn't bring my school jacket which was compulsory. I returned home and brought it. We went to a department store in the search of marshmallows but we were unable to get it. In no time we reached school and had a little photo session. Then we left at 11 a.m.

We had to travel by bus. It was indeed a long journey. Nearly 8 hours were spent on bus. The road was incredibly diverse. The talks with friends were extremely fun. The struggle in managing the seat was extremely painful. The food eaten on the way was surprisingly delicious. The tea drank on the way was extremely hot. The songs on the way was incredibly enjoyable. The games played on the seats were amazingly fun. The sleep on the bus was the most inconveniently comforting. The selfies on the way were the most breathtaking. The view on the way was the most relaxing. The foods eaten on the bus were the most delicious. The hurry of reaching the resort was the most struggling. And yess the feeling of reaching the resort was the best-est of all.

After reaching the resort at nearly 5, we had our snacks. The food was not as great as expectations. Then after a 5 minute rest we went for a hike. That hike was the best. It didn't even gave me the feeling of exhaustiveness even for a minute. That hike was one of the best part of my trip. After a five minute walk there comes a bridge AKA jhulunge pul. In this bridge we almost spent half an hour or so. The view from the bridge was over the top. The sound of the river accompanied by the chirps of the birds was the best thing that could happen. The photos that we took almost filled the storage capacity. The random poses and the random dance was so exciting and fun. The walk on the fields was so good. The run on the others' field was so fun. The evening hike was so good. me and chhoti got lost on the way. We went back to join our teacher and we as a whole got lost again. The feeling to get lost was so good. Must say that the place was beautiful. We were unable to reach the beach from that way. No worries there was a shotcut but we didn't go. Then we found everybody and had a marathon about which I'm never excited. I didn't take part and I have no regrets for that. The feeling of walking in night was so refreshing. We went back to the resort from the same way.

The time when we reached the resort the explosion of fun occurred. It was the time to dance. Once the song got played, the inner monster of mine came out in no time. Being the person who loves music, I couldn't stop dancing. I don't know but there's a invisible connection between me and music. The feet of mine starts to move the moment the music gets played. I danced like crazy but yes it was a lot of fun. That was the moment when I felt that it was an incredible decision of mine to go to the trip. Thinking about that moment makes me tired. Anyways it was time for dinner. I didn't like the diner. But yeah I ate it. Then it was time for campfire. We danced and sang. After half an hour or so, it was time for barbeque. I ate so much. Gosh my stomach was going to burst. Then we went to the riverside for not too long. We returned and it was time to sleep. We were told to sleep in a tent, three in each. So me, chhota and chande shared a tent. That night was so hilarious. Gosh! Chande didn't even give us to sleep. We wished Deepak sir at midnight. We did go out of the tent thrice. That was when the teacher suspected that we were 4. But we were able to convince him. Finally we slept at 2:30.

We woke up at 5:30 and had our talk. We had our breakfast and left for hike. Ahh!!!! the hike was so exhausting yet refreshing. After 2 hours walk we wet to the beach. I had most of the fun there. The riverside Was so beautiful. The sand was so good. the water was so god. The pebbles were so good. The scene was so good. The place itself was so good. But it was time to eat and leave.

We ate our lunch and left the paradise. The journey on the bus was so sleepy. We slept a lot and had lot of fun. We reached Kathmandu and then got in the local and expected jam. So good! I reaced home at 7 or so.

With this beautiful trip, I was so energized. I would like to thank the teachers for choosing such a beautiful place for a trip and taking a good care of us.
